76 ads Used Mitsubishi SHOGUN Cars for Sale
- Mitsubishi Gto For Sale Uk
- Mitsubishi Lancer Estate
- Mitsubishi Outlander For Sale Northern Ireland
- Shogun For Sale Scotland
- Mitsubishi Outlander For Sale Scotland
- Mitsubishi Shogun Sport For Sale Scotland
- Mitsubishi Delica For Sale Uk
- Mitsubishi Shogun Commercial
- Shogun For Sale Ni
- Mitsubishi Shogun For Sale Scotland
From what year should I buy a used Mitsubishi Shogun?
Most people who are looking for a used Mitsubishi Shogun look for one from 1998, 2005 and 2004, but the cheapest years on Gumtree from which you can pick a Mitsubishi Shogun include 1996, 1999 and 2002.
What is the average mileage on Mitsubishi Shogun cars?
On Gumtree, Mitsubishi Shogun cars have an average of 104,836 miles on the clock. To give you a guide on pricing, you can expect to pay around £8,560 for an average Mitsubishi Shogun on our site.
What are the most expensive colours for Mitsubishi Shogun cars? Which are the most popular colours?
The most expensive colours for Mitsubishi Shogun cars listed on Gumtree are grey and black. Based on internet searches, black, white and silver are the most popular colours for a Mitsubishi Shogun.
Which transmission options are available on Mitsubishi Shogun cars?
The most common transmission option available on a Mitsubishi Shogun currently listed on Gumtree is automatic. Sellers are listing manual Mitsubishi Shogun cars at a cost of £5,590 on average, whereas automatics generally go for an average price of £10,041.
What's the average price of a Mitsubishi Shogun with 60,000 miles or less?
On Gumtree, the average price of a Mitsubishi Shogun with up to 60,000 miles on the clock is £20,310. Most Mitsubishi Shogun models with this range of mileage are from 2016.
About the FAQs
These FAQs were last updated in October 2022. These FAQs are intended to provide general guidance only. They are not intended to give you advice on your personal financial circumstances. You should seek independent professional advice if you're unsure about anything mentioned in these FAQs or what choices to make.
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