197 ads Used Ssangyong Cars for Sale
What are the most popular models for Ssangyong cars in August 2022?
Currently, the three most frequently listed and searched for Ssangyong car models are the Rexton, Tivoli and Korando. The Rexton is the most popular of these and costs an average of £17,683 used.
From what year should I buy a used Ssangyong?
Most people who are looking for a used Ssangyong look for one from 2020, 2018 and 2015, but the cheapest years on Gumtree from which you can pick a Ssangyong include 2007, 2005 and 2006.
What is the average mileage on Ssangyong cars?
The average mileage on Ssangyong cars is 42,986 miles. On Gumtree, you can expect a Ssangyong to currently sell for around £13,701 on average, and the most popular years for these models are 2020 and 2018.
Which transmission options are available on Ssangyong cars?
The most common transmission option available on a Ssangyong currently listed on Gumtree is manual. The average price for a manual Ssangyong is £10,856, while for an automatic, you can expect an average cost of around £17,983.
What are the most listed diesel Ssangyong cars in August 2022?
The top three listed diesel Ssangyong cars, based on those which currently have the most for-sale postings on Gumtree, are the Korando, Tivoli and Rexton. You'll find that the average price of a diesel Ssangyong car in the UK is £12,007.
Which are the most popular Ssangyong cars from 2021?
Gumtree's three most popular 2021 Ssangyong cars, based on how many users are currently listing them for sale or searching for them, are the Korando, Musso and Tivoli. The 2017 Ssangyong cars generating the most interest are the Tivoli, Korando and Rexton W.
About the FAQs
These FAQs were last updated in October 2022. These FAQs are intended to provide general guidance only. They are not intended to give you advice on your personal financial circumstances. You should seek independent professional advice if you're unsure about anything mentioned in these FAQs or what choices to make.
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